Women's ONE-Hundred

Women's ONE-Hundred

W100 Logo

As we enter our ninth year, we are proud to continue our journey as a group of philanthropic women dedicated to supporting families served by Lakes Crisis & Resource Center. So far, we have raised nearly $80,000! These funds have allowed us to make significant updates, including purchasing flooring and furniture for the shelter apartments, a van for client transportation, a curriculum for youth support groups, and enhancing security and surveillance systems to increase client safety. Additionally, we replaced the seating in our client intake and conference rooms, and installed an awning in the shelter backyard to provide privacy and sun protection for our residents.

We deeply appreciate your contributions to our 2023 W-100 project. Thanks to your support, we were able to purchase new programming for our groups in local schools. These curricula allow us to implement lessons regarding consent, the prevention of sexual abuse, and trafficking.

The impact of services provided by LCRC and the safety it brings to the community is critical. We put our mission of Fostering Safety, Hope, and Healing through Advocacy, Intervention, and Education to work helping those who are most in need. As a result of your joint contributions, the Women’s ONE-Hundred enables us to impact more than 3,000+ adults and children annually. We invite you to become ONE of ONE-Hundred women who will make a difference in 2024 for LCRC!

By standing together as ONE of ONE-Hundred for this common mission, you join a dedicated group of women that make a significant impact in the lives of those in need.

Interested in becoming a member?

Please email us at lcrcdl@lakescrisis.com for more information!



W100 Members

Adrienne Buboltz
Amber Jaskin
Amy Erickson
Amy Smith
Amy Stearns
Anika Erickson
Anita Jonason
Ann Jacobson
Anna L. Schmitz
Anna Sellin
Anne Anderson
Anne Bologna
Anne Frost
Anne Jorgenson
Anne-Marye Hoban
April Thomas
Ardys Horner
Ava Archibald
Barb Birznieks
Barbara Thomsen
Barbara Zahasky
Becky Johnson
Becky King
Becky Mitchell
Beth Hedstrom
Beth Leighton
Beth Pridday
Beth Renner
Beth Schupp
Betsy Norby
Betty Schroeder
Beverly Hummel
Bobby Smith
Bonnie Mohs
Brenda Schaffer
Brielle Bly
Brooke Wenzel
Cara Frank
Carla Hansen
Carol Huesman
Carol Lewis 
Carol Nustad
Carolyn Becraft
Catharine Mark
Cathy Fritz
Catie Herman
Cheryl Glasner
Chris Garrett
Chris Holland Mehlhaff
Christie Schweigart
Christine Burnside
Christy Brinkman
Cindy Bruflodt
Claire Tinjum
Connie Edwards
Cyndi Anderson
D. Diane Spitzley
Daniela Fergen
Darlene Rolle
Deanna Sinclair
Debbie Johnson
Debbie Lamb
DelRae Whitley
Denise Lund Smith 
Denise Tappe
Desiree Brush
Dixie Johnson
Don Stuehm
Donita Kimball
Donna Sauvageau
Elaine Mack
Elizabeth Anderson
Elizabeth Hedstrom
Elizabeth McMahon
Erin Lindberg
Erlene Davis
Fran Mattson
Gail Kotschevar
Georgia Hecock
Ginny Imholte
Gretchen Hendrickson
Heather Kivi
Heather Pederson
Heidi Renney
Helen Foltz
Jackie Buboltz
Jan Albanese
Jane Lunde
Jane Parker
Janet Green
Jennifer Klabunde
Jennifer Knutson
Jerrilynn Dunham
Jill Brandt
Jill Mickelson
Joan Buchhop
Joan Lee
Joan Westlake
Jodi Ahles
Jody Burgum
Judi Herk
Judie Cherry
Judy Brenna
Judy Fankhanel
Judy Quam
Judy Thompson
Julia Nelmark
Julie Ann Sanders
Julie B. Larson
Julie Berg
Julie Coyne
Julie Herman
Julie Johnson
Julie Yliniemi
Justine Boots
Karen Askelson
Karen Daggett
Karen Thorpe
Kari Duensing
Kari Newman Ness
Karin Fritz - Staley
Kathy Coyle
Kathy Dickson
Kathy Michaelson
Katie Lundmark
Kayla Keena
Kelli Hanninen
Kelly Ask
Kelly Schiffner
Kimberly Fuhs
LaRae McGillivray
Laura Hinderaker
Laurie Lewandowski
LaVerne Czichotzki
Laverne Moltzan
LeAnn Erickson
LeAnn Mouw
Linda Ditterick
Linda Hultin
Linda Johnson
Linda Mallow
Lisa Leahy
Lisa Mistic
Lori Bachmann
Loxley Koshnick
LuAnn Porter
Lucy Johnson
Lynn Kaiser
Lynne Stenseth Compion
Madalyn Sukke
Mara Bergen
Marcia Potvin
Maren Skadsem
Maren Stenseth
Marietta Keenan
Marilyn Heller
Marion Kershner
Marsha Congdon
Mary Ann Evans
Mary Bergen-Solmon
Mary Briggs
Mary Hansen
Mary Newman
Mary Nybakken
Mary Pat Collins
Mary Rotter
Maureen Karsnia
McKenna Mallow
Megan Smith
Melissa Swenson
Michelle Kraemer Paulson
Michelle Maier
Misty Lamppa
Moriya Rufer
Nancy Erickson
Nancy Henke
Nancy Murphy
Nancy Nereson
Nancy Ness
Nancy Soberg
Nancy Thorsgard
Natalie Bly
Nichole Bristlin
Nona Bellware
Pam Anderson
Patti Carr
Patti Killoran
Paula Okeson
Paula Trom
Peggy Jo Sauvageau
Priscilla Boman
Providence Airheart
Rhoda Hooper
Ruth King
Ruth Nelson
Ruth Solie
Ruth Tang
Samantha Beauchman
Sandra Duval
Sandy Torgusson
Sara Skadsem
Sarah Larson
Shanna Braton
Sheila Johnson
Sheila Welle
Sheryl DeConcini
Shirley Stenseth
Skye Fingalson
Stephanie Baker
Sue Geihl
Sue Stafki
Susan Bjorklund
Susan Busker
Susan Gjersvig
Suzanne Borstad
Suzanne Kral
Tammy Langworthy
Tera Guetter
Terry Kalil
Terryl Reistad
Traci Mace
Tracy Lee
Trinity Lutheran Church WELCA
Trish Thorson
Trisha Mariotti
Vicky Grondahl
Vicky Williams
Viva Klunt
Wendy Ring
Wendy Spry
Yvonne Kangas

  W100 2023 group pic  

  2022 W100 group

Women's ONE Hundred Group